A Conscious Journey

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The Truth About Blogs

Image by Toa Heftiba

One thing you should know about starting a blog is that it is hard work. There will be days that you would rather stay in bed, in your pajamas, and surf the internet all day. Not only that, but living in a city of unpredictable weather tests how dedicated you are to connecting with your subscribers and building your brand. Since starting this blog in October of last year, here are a few things I have learned about blogging:

1. There Will Be Location Wars

You can scout a location for weeks or even months in advance. The day you decide to shoot is when that location will be the hottest spot in town! People will walk in your frame, stop to take selfies, and even start a photoshoot of their own. There will be times when you get forced out of your favorite location because of a tween, Instagram photo session. How do you fix that? As my Fashion Styling I professor says, “Options, options, options!”

It is so important to give yourself several options, even for locations. Have several places in mind that are safe, will compliment your outfit, and be a great source of light.

2. People Will Stare

One of the most annoying and uncomfortable aspects about shooting is how often people will stare at you. You would think in a social media driven society, people would think it’s normal to see a fashion blogger striking a pose in the park. However, that is not the case! Couples, families, the elderly, children, and suspect men will all gawk. Some of them will hit on you, make snarky comments, or joke around with you. All of this can get annoying because it delays your shooting time and makes you feel superficial. Do not take any of this personally! Laugh it off with your photographer and continue with your photoshoot. People are going to think what they want, but do not let that get in the way of your passion!

3. Bad Shots are Inevitable

Of course, bad shots will be the bane of your existence! Count on the weather (and your hair) not cooperating with you on the day of your shoot. You will  more than likely sneeze, cough, or blurt out something funny randomly. Expect a couple of shots with your RBF in full effect. This will happen more than you think, especially when you think you are giving your fiercest model face that refuses to fully translate on camera. These types of shots are inevitable! This is why you will more than likely take several shots in the same pose, outfit, or expression. As long as you get enough shots and the right ones, you can save the bad photos in a folder for a day when need a good laugh! 

If you are thinking about starting your own website or blog, try not to take things too personally and don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself!