A Conscious Journey

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The True Cost

It was this past Wednesday that I was sitting in one of my fashion classes viewing a Marc Jacobs documentary. My professor mentioned how the documentary reminded her of "The True Cost," a recent fashion documentary about the production of fashion. This documentary does a great job of showing how the fashion industry could improve its production process.

For one, fast fashion retailers should consider the third-world countries they rely on, their people, and their unbearable work conditions. The exposé also touches on the environmental impacts fashion has on the world. It brings up the idea of sustainability and showcases companies within the industry that are already taking sustainable fashion to the next level. If you're free one weekend, I highly suggest watching this film.

It will change how you think about fashion, what it means it you, and how it impact others. The excessive consumption of clothing and accessories is not worth human lives. Please, be aware. To rent or buy this film, click the link: http://truecostmovie.com. The movie is also available on Netflix.