A Conscious Journey

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The Power of a Hashtag

Image by Clay Banks

If you're a frequent user of Instagram, hashtags can be annoying and an eye sore. Instagrammers  go to great measures to hide their long list of tags that allow others all over the world to view their photo. However, hashtags are a great way to promote and expose a brand. 

The hashtag, formerly known as the pound sign, is becoming a staple in that of itself. Comedians and teenagers typically use it out of context for lingo and comedic purposes. Recently, people around the world have been using certain phrases to enlighten others of misconceptions and injustices in an effort to encourage social awareness and acceptance. 

Shea Moisture has started a new beauty campaign, #BreakTheWalls, highlighting the struggles of being an ethnic woman. The video for the campaign depicts the questions and concerns that most ethnic women and children face, when they are presented with the task of shopping for hair, skin, and beauty products. For years, ethnic women have been alienated and forced to shop out of separate aisles (reminiscent of segregated water fountains and bathrooms). Shopping centers with isles marked "Beauty" tend to carry products for a European customer. With this advertisement and hashtag, Shea Moisture continues to fight for the right of ethnic women and children to finally shop in the "Beauty" aisle, because they are beautiful too.

Image by Clay Banks

People all over the world can use a hashtag to promote, clarify, and show support for a topic. The one year old hashtag, #TheAfricaTheMediaDoesntShowYou, has been getting waves of attention in recent weeks. The tag is being used to Residents all over Africa are using the tag to reveal the misconceptions about their entire homeland and people. The pictures show the beauty and accomplishments of Africa, depictions that are far different from the hunger and poverty Western media usually reports on.

Africa is a thriving nation full of amazing fashion, architecture, scenery, schools, and people. Although separated from oceans and a number of civilizations, the hashtag has allowed people to share their truths. It may seem minute in the scheme of things, but the pound sign has a whole new meaning now. Use it to have an open and honest discussion about world issues, or continue to tell everyone about how much you love #Donuts. Most of all: be motivated to use a hashtag to tell your story, show pride, grow your business or to support a cause. 

If you could start your own hashtag movement, what would it be?