A Conscious Journey

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The Benefits of Regular Meditation

It's inevitable—life will throw you a curveball every once in a while, and you won't be able to dodge every single one. In times of complete and utter chaos, mental reprieve is a must. I recently started meditating with the help of Andy Puddicombe's guided meditations on Headspace. The road to inner peace and happiness might be a long one depending on your circumstances, but Headspace truly makes it easy! From themed sessions to SOS exercises for extreme stress, Headspace has it all. Everything you could ever need to know about meditation is all on one platform and at your fingertips. I decided to try it out for myself since those curve balls haven't stopped coming my way. Here's what I experienced in just my first week:

1. Improved Mental Clarity

Even with a hectic work schedule, I was able to fit in my three-minute guided sessions either before starting my day or during my commute. One of the biggest improvements, by far, has been my mental clarity. Thinking about and preparing for the future has inspired me to push and work harder here and now. Nothing really seems too far-fetched or wild, child-like dreams. Thinking about future aspirations and attaining them have become far less overwhelming to envision. The steps on how to get there have never been more clear, and that's because I haven't experienced my bouts of what-ifs as often. Without doubt clouding my mind, everything and anything is achievable. It's surprising how much easier it is to focus and to stay focused. 

2. Increased Confidence & Willpower

With laser focus, comes a boost of determination and willpower. Ever since signing up with Headspace, my mile-long to-do lists don't seem as scary. I've honestly done more on this journey to all-things-zen, than when I'm experiencing extreme co-dependence on my planner. All this week, I've just been doing. No questions, no second-guessing. Doing. Having a clear vision and goal and the focus to achieve that has been so incredibly helpful. I've begun believing more in myself and my capabilities. I've started trusting my intuition more and just going for it—for all of it—whatever it is. 


3. Soothing Stillness

My mind never really turns off in my day-to-day life—working 24/7will do that to you—but the mental stillness I felt after each session was undeniable... dare I say, addictive? I was immediately put in a state of relaxation and felt that my wheels came to a slow and steady roll instead of the usual high-rate speeds and sudden, sharp turns. Of course, I still get wound up over small things or find myself worrying about X, Y and Z. However, it's okay to "let the mind wander," as Puddicombe says. The whole point isn't to get rid of these thoughts, though. Regular meditation trains you (and your mind) how to cope with stress in a healthy way. You will have peace because at the end of the day, these moments come and go.


4. Positive Outlook

Sometimes, you may feel like the universe has decided to punish you for some unknown reason.  People might joke that bad luck follows you, but you know that to be everyday life. Even when you get exciting news or getting that promotion you've always dreamed about, sometimes you catch yourself questioning if your good streak will even last. Personally, meditation has been a big help with addressing my skepticism and guardedness. I have started to feel more in control of my own destiny.  I'm finally getting into the right headspace, recognizing that thoughts will come and go, and learning how to make the appropriate adjustments when they get to be a bit overwhelming. 

Overall, I find mediation to be extremely humbling and calming. In the first week, I feel more grounded than ever and prepared to face the curve balls head-on. If you're also looking for mental clarity, I recommend giving Headspace a try! You can sign up for free here! Find out for yourself how a few minutes a day can change your perspective and help you find your inner peace and happiness. 

An Update:

It’s been a while since this blog post was originally written and published, so I thought to pop in for an update for anyone interested in starting their own meditation practice. I started my meditation journey in 2017, and since then, it has evolved as I’ve also evolved. In times when I’ve relied on it every single day to other times when I’ve used it prescriptively, it has served me so well. Now, I’m stepping up my daily routine with other mindful practices, ending my routine on a high note with meditation and visualization exercises. So everything I shared above all still holds true! If you want a proper update from me with regards to my meditation journey (or to consult on tips and tricks), then stay tuned and subscribe to A Conscious Pause on Youtube.