A Conscious Journey

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It’s All About the Fab’rik!

Los Angeles and New York might be the dubbed the fashion capitals of the United States, but the midwest has its gems, too! I recently got the chance to check out the eclectic shops of Chicago’s Wicker Park and found a whole new world. The area is rich with earthy boutiques and is a hub for the city’s unique talent. In addition to visiting Marine Layer, Silver Moon and the Suki + Solaine and Sara Rose pop up shops, Fab'rik was also on my list of must-see shops.

Throughout my ethical life journey, I often catch myself thinking about how I can do more. I constantly think about how my buying decisions affect others, especially in the garment industry. The unfortunate truth is that people everywhere need help, and there is a way to be more than just a consumer. Boutiques and retailers like Fab'rik give you the opportunity to be a fashion activist—yes, that's a thing

Although Fab'rik is more of a trendy hot spot, but conscious fashionistas can shop their in-house line. Asher by Fab'rik is made in partnership with Project 82 Kenya, which offers sustainable solutions to support and stabilize children and families in Kenya. The partnership allows Fab'rik to essentially adopt and help rescue a child. Every Asher sale provides medical care and financial support to Mwangi! Mwangi, a little boy who was rescued from his mentally ill mother. She is now receiving treatment, but conscious shoppers can help Fab'rik sponsor Mwangi! Mwangi while his mother is being treated. 

Mental health awareness a growing issue worldwide. Anxiety, depression, addiction, bipolar and borderline personality disorders, PTSD, schizophrenia--these are all issues the world is still scared to talk about, so I'm happy Project 82 Kenya and Fab'rik are trying to do something about it. Fashion activism may be a new concept to some, but trust me--no season-ending sale, OOTD pic or wishlist can top the feeling of being a good human and an active social participant.  

Needless to say, I was truly touched and grateful to have stumbled into Fab'rik. It truly values its role in social issues, including issues related to women's rights, child exploitation and self-esteem. In fact, through their Free Fab'rik donation system, our donated, forgotten fabrics can help give a girl in need a free shopping spree with a personal stylist. Fab'rik's mission proves there really is more to fashion than style and status; it's more than expressing our personalities and likes. We can love, support, uplift, empower and share others' stories with it, too. To them, every thread counts and has a greater purpose.