A Conscious Journey

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How to Reclaim Your Mornings

Image by Korie Cull

If the weather is just as crazy on your side of town, then you know it's hard to gauge what to grab for in your morning rush! Ditch the twenty-something outfit changes by establishing the perfect, fool-proof winter go-to outfit! Of course, mine has to have lace.

You could hardly call the season we're in winter, especially if you happen to live in four-season terrain too. Coming off of sixty-degree hints of spring in my town, it's a rude awakening when you're faced with gloomy, windy winter days. You don't have to pull out the oversized, fur-lined parka! You can still look your best amidst unpredictable weather. It's something we are very familiar with but hear far too much - layer, layer, and what was that? Yea, just some more layering!

This winter, try out my winter guide to always looking chic: reach for one thing you've barely worn all season, add a touch of denim or texture play, and don't forget about a trusty rain boot! You never know when you're going to need them, and it's better to have them than to ruin your favorite ankle bootie. These Roma Matte Black Chelsea rain boots do just the trick for me and take all the guesswork out of what to wear. They've dramatically cut my routine I-have-nothing-to-wear fashion shows in half, which means more time to caffeinate! 

With these three little tips in mind, you'll look stylish every time you hit the street. Well, despite having to deal with sub temps and the slight annoyance of running into hidden wind pockets.